Welcome To The Hub
I’m Eugene, Your Muscle And Mentality Coach
Broadly speaking, if you’re the type surging with the desire or tendency to strive for more; you’re in the right place.
Specifically speaking, if you’re irritated or even driven mad with the idea or reality of not living up to the standard you want for yourself, not being happy when you look in the mirror, or feeling tiny inside..
If you quite frankly need a push or intel on how to reach the next level.. tired of starting and stopping.
Your future self will be happy you found this place. It’s the right place for you.
You can do something about that irritation today:
Book a V.I.P. Coaching discovery call
Subscribe to the Muscle And Mentality Journal
Begin your first of 56 days to muscle
Type a keyword in the search bar and gather intel on a specific topic
You have options. The only thing between you and your standard is time.
Muscle And Mentality Training
Get instant access to what took me over 10 years to master with a 56 Days To Muscle eBook or book your V.I.P. coaching call. Tomorrow is ugly when you don’t act today.
In Case You’re Wondering
Who Is This guy?
I’m a 35 year old husband, father of 3, Army vet, former collegiate athlete, Magna Cum Laude university graduate, fitness writer, Muscle & Mentality coach for over a decade, and a master in the art of the dad joke..
But more pertinent to you, I’m a guy that has a goal for you.
My goal is for you to build strength in the mind and in the body to conquer whatever it is that life tosses in your direction. Rain, sleet, snow, or spiraling ice cubes victimized by gravity - I want you equipped to handle it all.
Consider this your new muscle and mentality hub.
Let’s set the standard.
The Muscle And Mentality Journal
Join 1000s of monthly MMJ readers learning more about fitness and crafting the right mindset to take on this thing we call life.
Why muscle and Mentality?
Muscle is the precursor to most physique goals.
To gain weight? Desperately need that extra muscle tissue to prevent the added pounds from being all body fat. And to build strength as desired.
To lose weight? Muscle helps you shed and keep fat off. If you develop/maintain muscle while losing body fat, you’ll do what many refer to as toning.
Mentality changes your life.
Adding the muscle for your particular endgame is one thing, but the satisfaction you feel and how you allow that satisfaction to spillover into other aspects of your life is all about mindset.
No amount of muscle can overpower a tender mentality.
Muscle And Mentality because it’s a team effort. So we build both.
- Coach’s Corner
My Philosophy
Discover why I’m animated about what I do, what lead to what I do, and take a deeper look into the philosophy that’ll settle you on building Muscle And Mentality.