If this is your first time here, I’m Eugene.
If it’s not rodeo #1, welcome back.
My goal is to help you build strength in the mind and body to conquer whatever life throws your way (you can peek at The Philosophy for a long winded version).
I’m a husband, a father of 3, Army veteran, former collegiate athlete, Magna Cum Laude university graduate, I aim to inspire, I write a training, nutrition, and mentality blog (hit the search bar, I cover just about everything), I’m a certified personal trainer with over 13 years of client-based experience, and I hold a doctorate in the art of the dad joke.
Muscle And Mentality Training
Start your path to muscle with a 56 Days To Muscle eBook or book your private coaching call. Get the body you crave without having to live in the gym.
You may be here because I popped up in the search results, maybe you read a blog, maybe you saw me attempting some outlandish calisthenic move or trying to barbell row hundreds of pounds without a weight belt.. maybe even rambling in my car or on a walk about my perspective on how to build inner confidence, maybe you’re just struggling to build muscle or lose body fat..
Whatever brings you here, know what drives me is integrity and process. I don’t cheat myself, I don’t cheat others, and I don’t cheat the process.
I’ve studied to completion the: National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) certification, National Council for Certified Personal Trainers (NCCPT) certification, International Sports Science Association (ISSA) certification, CrossFit level 1 program, Core Conditioning specialist program, Biomechanics specialist program, the Functional Trainer program, and countless hours of comparative research for personal knowledge and for the sake of not making a fool of myself on each blog post.
Reason? I don’t cheat myself, I don’t cheat others, and I don’t cheat the process.
If you never step your digital foot onto my website again, take this away - never cheat yourself, never cheat others, and never cheat the process.
Do those things and success will always be part of your future.
The Muscle And Mentality Journal
Join 1000s of monthly MMJ readers learning more about building muscle and crafting the right mentality to take on this thing we call life.
What's a fit body without a fit mind?
All the muscle and health in the world is without meaning, if you fail to build what's between your ears.
It's a marriage.
A tandem.
A team.
One hand washes the other.
- a Thought
My Philosophy
Discover why I’m so passionate about what I do, what lead to a dedication to the mental and physical health of others, how I gathered and continue to gather the tools for your Muscle & Mentality needs, and my philosophy behind it all.