56 Days To Muscle: Lean Bulking Edition
Instant access to what took me over a decade to learn.
You’ll add 4-16 pounds of muscle
You’ll stay lean
You’ll be able to toss around more weight inside and outside of the gym
You’ll feel more powerful and in control of your everyday life
You’re a couple clicks and 56 days away from the type of transformation your mother would put pictures of on her fridge.
I remember being the dude struggling to pack on weight. Doing what I felt like was everything under the Sun to gain even an OUNCE of muscle tissue.. to no avail.
But those days were numbered.
And with this those days for you are numbered too. Give your future self what your current self craves.
Again, over a decade. By owning this eBook you’ll join 100s that were taught how to manipulate their bodies at will. Something I learned through years of study, trial, error, study, trial, error.
Simply put, this philosophy optimizes the muscle building process.
A step-by-step system built through the hands-on training & nutritional trials, studies, and experience I gathered for over a decade.
This philosophy is how I ultimately added over 30 pounds of muscle and how 100s of others ended the “I’ll always be too small” conversation.
Join us in turning “I want to gain weight” to “I gained weight and it feels good”.
No more scrolling social media piecing together a plan hoping it’ll work. Be guided by a system proven to work. A philosophy that follows through.
Do Quick fixes Ever Stick For Long?
The eat everything in sight approach
The “as long as it fits my macros” approach
The “oh, if I just lift more it’ll work” approach
None of that works long-term. None of that is sustainable. It’s all a recipe for mental and physical burnout. Your mind and body health deserves better.
This Is what Sustainability Looks Like
56 days to muscle Bulking edition: What To Expect
Resistance training routine designed to make your body eager to add muscle
Nutritional strategy built for you to gain muscle weight and limit added body fat
Cardio routine geared to maximize muscle fullness, minimize fat storage, and maintain/build stamina for your weight training sessions to be completed in a forceful manner
3, 4, 5, and 6 day training schedule options that’ll satisfy a beginner, a go-getter with a jam-packed schedule, or a moderate to advanced lifter ready to commit more days to filling out a sports coat
I’m Here To Tell You The Truth
Think on what happens each time you delay the inevitable. There will come a point you decide enough is enough. A point where your frustration, discomfort, disappointment, fear, or blatant procrastination pins you in a corner and you’re forced to do something about it.
Each day you delay the inevitable the goal post moves further and further away. More, more, more:
More health hurdles to overcome
More fear and anxiety about how it’ll turn out
More difficult to get your aging body to cooperate
More regret for not starting earlier
The Truth Is The Truth
Is it ever too late? No. But now is a much easier go than later.
I’ve seen many otherwise highly motivated achievers go waaay down the line before finally prioritizing their fitness goals. Before choosing to smirk when they pass a mirror. Learn from their mistakes.
Advantage You
You’ll more easily understand the muscle building process
You’ll target every muscle group for a complete physique
You’ll increase strength and feel more in control of your everyday life
You’ll no longer stress about being a “hardgainer”
You’ll add more size from muscle rather than slabs of fat
Instead of feeling sloppy at your new weight you’ll feel powerful, accomplished.. supreme.
What The Bulking Edition Is
A step-by-step philosophy that if followed directly will lead to guaranteed muscle gain and weight gain with limited body fat storage.
A resistance training program designed for strength and muscle in all muscle groups for a complete aesthetic.
A cardio routine put together to assist with quality weight training session stamina, better usage of body fat for fuel, to burn extra calories, and for improved heart health and quality of life.
A nutritional plan with real life in mind. Less stuffing your face to the point of misery, less body fat added, and improved habits without completely removing some of your favorite foods. Complemented by a macronutrient strategy focused on optimizing hormonal activity and hypertrophy AKA muscle growth.
Something you can rely on. The only way you’ll lose the gains you make in the muscle department is if you completely desert what you learn from the 56 Days To Muscle philosophy. The muscle you earn is yours to stay if you remember the tools.
And when you lean bulk AKA build muscle at a pace where you optimize hypertrophy and minimize fat storage.. you give yourself less to do later. When you bulk in a traditional fashion, eating as much as possible just to see the scale move. You gain a great deal of body fat.
You’ll want that fat gone later and it’ll lead to a much longer fat loss journey. Lean bulking makes any added fat easy to shred once you hit your goal. It’s also more efficient hormonally. It also leads to building pound-for-pound muscle at a faster rate than a “traditional” bulk.
What The Bulking Edition Isn’t
A mandate for you to live in the gym and in the kitchen.
You have to conduct resistance training and you have to consume more calories than you burn, but it’s all within reason.
Lifting from Sun up to Sun down is hormonally inefficient. That won’t go over well, especially as a natural lifter.
Putting the whole kitchen on a plate will lead to more body fat storage than muscle storage too. A calorie surplus means eat more than you burn not more than you can fit on a cutting board. Going too far over your mark also makes it harder hormonally. Your body can only be productive with a certain amount of excess calories.
Built For You To Learn, Add Size, And Stay Lean
This philosophy was founded with longevity in mind. Adhering to it will lead you to more size and more muscle, and if you absorb the tools you’ll be in position to maintain that size and muscle.
You’ll also know exactly what it takes to gain even more, even in my absence if you so please in the future.
My personal mission requires you to be fully equipped. If you hit day number 56 only to watch the hard work you put in day after day slowly fade; I failed.
Results and knowledge - you’re committing to both.
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Frequently Asked Questions
I’ll answer this one in two parts for clarity.
First: a bulk is when you prioritize gaining weight with the idea of packing on muscle and/or building more strength.
Second: a lean bulk is when you bulk in a deliberate manner to ensure you gain almost exclusively muscle weight. This is an important distinction because other forms of bulking will have you gain a high percentage of body fat, which leads to other roadblocks later on.
For more details on the ins and outs of lean bulking you can put your reading glasses on and aim them at this article -> Lean Bulking Explained
This plan comes equipped with trusted video demonstrations for each exercise. Furthermore feel free to message me on any of my social media accounts or via email for form critiques.
All I need is the video clip!
What is a fitness plan without a meal plan? Diet dictates!
This program has detailed instructions for making the diet plan yours. Whether you take the meal skeleton directly, after adjusting for your body composition or if you choose to substitute foods from the extensive approved foods list..
Diet is a priority for getting your science-based results here.
Your payment options are:
*Contact for link
To bulk or to cut, AKA to prioritize gaining or losing weight is a tough decision to make for many lifters.
Use this guide and you’ll know which route is best according to your current physique.
Or feel free to shoot me an email or DM and I’ll give you insight on what would be best.