Why Most Detoxes Don’t Work

“Hey, try this tic tac cleanse you’ll lose 17 pounds in 46 hours. You’re one box away from the body of your dreams!” 😆 alright that might be a little facetious, but I’ve seen it all in the cleanse-detox department. You can probably tell what direction I’m leaning in, I’m not a fan of misleading folks. Let’s talk about all things pertaining to a commercial detox and how to make a real detox work.


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Why Commercial Detoxing Doesn’t Work


What Is A Detox

The commercial detoxification industry is quite versatile. So versatile it’s globally worth almost 51 billion USD [3]. With a plethora of suggested combinations of ingredients, fiber strategies, windows to eat, water fasts, detoxing teas, cleansing juices; it goes on and on. Apple cider vinegar.. Acai berries.. Grapefruit.. White vinegar.. Blending herbs.. Drowning fruit in a container.. Diuretics.. Laxatives.. On + on.

A detoxification (detox) is a period of time in which you rid yourself of toxins or avoid some unhealthy, maybe detrimental substance or act.

This can range from too much NBA 2K to deciding to kick a drug habit.

A detox or cleansing diet is an interruption of your ordinary habits with a goal to remove toxins, and often lose weight. In this case a toxin is anything producing a less than favorable impression on the body.

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Detox Benefits

Commercial detoxes make bold claims. Mostly unsubstantial or temporary, yet some objectively undeniable. Here are a few benefits:

  • Promote blood circulation

  • Provide nutrients

  • Remove toxins through: sweat, urine, and excrement

  • Give your organs a rest

  • Assist in natural toxin removal

  • Help fight obesity by eliciting weight loss

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Bloat relief

  • Ease the side effects of many diseases

  • Provide energy

Detoxes are frequently advertised as a quick fix “lose x pounds” and sometimes this does actualize, but it’s deeper than that. That’s water weight, water weight returns.

Note: some of the claims are bogus, IE give your organs a rest, but the real issue is a lack of transparency. If there was emphasis on how temporary the results are I’d have no qualms.

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Why Commercial Detoxes Don’t Work

There’s no doubt detoxes that involve laxatives cause weight loss. There’s no doubt cleanses that involve diuretics cause weight loss. Anything that’ll book more bathroom trips will cause weight loss.

Key word: weight. This isn’t fat loss. Fat loss comes from a calorie deficit. Meaning to consume less calories than you burn. So a detox that involves finding yourself in a calorie deficit will cause some fat loss.

The problem here is if your method of detox isn’t sustainable, BKA something you can do for the foreseeable future rather than 3-14 days.. Whatever combination of water and fat you lose will return, for you never learned how to properly diet.

Understand, in most of these cleanses you’re losing water weight, consequence of a change in electrolyte balance. You’ll maintain this state for a few days, however that water weight returns expeditiously once you remove the unsustainable behavior.

The body has a way to maintain its accustomed fluid balance and when you start replenishing those lost electrolytes you’ll store water once again to maintain that balance of fluid.

Note: detoxing isn’t a problem, the “quick fix” is the issue. It’s misleading and the tangible results, like an increase in energy, are simply the conclusion of cutting junk out of your diet. This is referred to as dietary displacement.

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How To Do A Real Detox

There’s another solution: detox. The real detox; the authentic detox.. The life long detox. Studies fail to affirm the benefits of these boxed miracles, but your body knows how to get rid of toxins. You just have to stop introducing toxins to your body.

Change your eating habits and you’ll naturally cleanse yourself; that’s a real detox. Allowing cleaner food to run through your system, at least most of the time, will put you on a detoxified path. Here’s how you do an everlasting natural detox:

Note: there are instances where you may already follow a solid dietary protocol, then spend a few days off-course. Maybe around the holidays or vacation you decide to go crazy with the diet. Cheat meals.. Plural, and you may physically feel like garbage afterward. Even in such a case the right detoxification is to return to your normal diet. Your body will handle the rest.

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So, It’s About That Time

You’ll come across temptation out there. These marketing strategies are great, I should probably take note 😆. Save your time, as nice as these quick fixes sound you’ll ultimately use the same solution, so do it now. Get toxins out of your body by following the only real detox diet. No 3 day detox, 7 day detox, or 10 day water cleanse fixes; detoxed for life. A real life hack, which involves solid life and eating habits. Put those muscles to use and Be Great.


[1] pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25522674/

[2] Addictioncenter.Com/Treatment/Drug-and-alcohol-detox/

[3] grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/detox-product-market


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