How To Build Bigger Calf Muscles
Do you plantar-flex bro? If so is it the way you need to for gains bro-ette?? It’s not uncommon to have trouble with growth in the lower leg department. Took me a bit of time to develop muscular calves - those were hard times. To pack on calf size it takes punishment, nourishment, and an unwavering approach. Here I’ll get into exactly what I mean, but first: background.
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How To Get BIgger Calves
What Are Calves And How Do They Work
Background is always the place to start, for with a solid understanding of what a muscle is intended to do you can use its application to execute or even make up exercises that target it effectively.
Calves are those turkey-leg looking muscles on the posterior side of your leg.. Between the foot and knee. They consist of the gastrocnemius and soleus.
The soleus is embedded beneath the gastrocnemius and can influence the appearance of sheer size.
The gastrocnemius will create size, as well, but this is where you’ll show off the most eye-catching definition.. Since you’re about to get these calves right, right? We don’t want to be Johnny Bravo - big top, small bottom. We want symmetry. Don’t hide under sweatpants forever - get some calves.
So the gastrocnemius has a medial and lateral head.. Meaning you can, to a degree, emphasize one head over another during a rep. This is good to have in your knowledge bank in case your calf symmetry is off and you want to bring a side up to speed.
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What is The Function Of Calf Muscles
The top job of calves is to plantar-flex the ankle and foot.
Whether your leg is extended or bent determines if the soleus or gastrocnemius will dominate plantar flexion.
Knee bent? The soleus is boss man. Anytime you sit and plantar-flex the soleus will take over.
Leg straight? Gastrocnemius claims the most control. When you’re standing and go on your tippy toes, that’s majority gastrocnemius activation.
Toe pointing is one thing, but they also assist with knee flexion (hamstring curls) to a lesser degree and vitally help lessen force against the knee when in contact with the ground.
Impressive calf strength along with stamina will aid your: speed, agility, ability to go long distances, explosiveness, hops, and you might even reach the top cabinet or get a job at ups (big calves must be in their job description or something take a look next time 😆).
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How To Build Bigger Calves
Time to get busy. You want big calves, it takes big work. Your calves are used all day long as you roam about the blue marble, so they aren’t easily impressed. If you truly want to have muscular calves follow along.
Note: many sources want you to do an exponential amount of reps to build calves; this isn’t necessary. You don’t have to conduct 100 rep sets to build calves.
Calf growth is the result of these 5 elements: consistency, proper nutrition, focus, recovery, and patience.
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Consistency For Bigger Calves
You have to train them with adequate frequency and you must be consistent with this frequency. Too many claim to be unable to grow calves, but haven’t put in the work long enough to accurately make such a claim.
Hit calves 1-4 times weekly.
These drumsticks have a quick recovery rate, making them ready for more punishment every other day if you dare or if you still have a lot of mass to put on.
Vary your rep schemes. My best results have come in the 4-15 rep range, yet don’t venture below 8 reps until you have developed a nice connection with your calves. Before going this heavy (less reps means heavier weight) I need you to be able to isolate and contract, aka flex your soleus and gastrocnemius independently on command.
3-8 sets per session is satisfactory.. 8 would be an instance of you hitting 4 sets soleus 4 sets gastrocnemius, for example.
Again target the soleus’ directly for a larger appearance and lateral definition; seated calf raise exercises.
Target the gastrocnemius’ for actual size and definition; standing calf raise exercises.
Ensure you never neglect including direct stimulation in your routine. You can’t want calves then only hit them on occasion, because you’re busy curling and benching (how to build a bigger bench press). Put in work if you want results. Calves require keen cultivation.
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Nutrition For Bigger Calves
Nutrition is to grow. You need good amounts of protein for damaged muscle tissue to repair then amass and even just to maintain mass. Need protein and excess calories for muscle tissue of any kind to grow in fact (how to lean bulk). No protein, no muscle.
A solid rule of thumb I’ve seen results with is 1-1.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. You can get by with as little as 0.7 grams per pound, but I like the 1-1.8 range, especially when in a calorie deficit.
Note: it is possible to lose fat and build more muscle in a calorie deficit if you have a good deal of excess fat, but the less fat you carry the harder it is to pull this off.
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Focus For Bigger Calves
It’s about mind muscle connection and completing full reps for each exercise; that’s where focus comes to play.
Might need to pause the music if you get distracted.
No singing along.
No stopping to change the tune.
L o c k e d i n.
As good as you playlist may be, do what’s necessary.
Don’t cheat yourself. Apply strong contractions with great control and effective time under tension. Rep speed matters at all times, but intentional speed and contraction will give you the calves you desire. For more on rep speed here’s an article giving you the rundown - what’s the best rep speed for muscle growth.
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Recovery For Bigger Calves
If you don’t recover you don’t grow. You tear muscles in the gym, however they grow during the recovery phase. This is due to adaptation.. You convince your body it needs bigger, stronger calves to comfortably deal with life, then provide the nutrients to recover more-equipped than before to deal with a similar stress in the future. Protein and total calories button this process, stretching persistently, enough sleep, and avoiding overtraining.
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Patience For Bigger Calves
To not expect immediate results, is to be patient. Calves aren’t built overnight. Track your strength improvements (how to use a fitness journal) and gradually proceed with beating your personal best. This is called progressive overload. Continuing to increase the stress when you’re able to handle more. This also gives you small goals that fall in line with the big goal. Before you know it they’ll be sizable (what is progressive overload and how do I do it).
More tips for bigger calves
Hit calves early in your workout. If you can’t sleep at night thinking about adding size to your lower legs start your workout with plantar-flexion. Early on you have the most focus and energy so they’ll get your undivided attention.
Vary angles. This is more of an advanced.. Already sizable calves move. Rotating your feet inward (inversion) or outward (eversion) will change what part of the calf you give the most attention during a rep - invert for outer calf and evert for inner muscle fibers.
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My Thoughts
People say they can’t grow calves and I’d be less than truthful if I said genetics played no role, but 99% of the time when I dig beneath the surface the naysayer failed to give it their best effort.
No matter how skinny your legs are you can grow bigger calves.
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So, It’s About That Time
There it is: calves. Never said it was easy, I’m saying it’s doable. Hit calves enough to make them want to grow. Feed yourself intentionally to bolster the repair process. Recover enough for adaptation. What’s your experience with growing calves? Leave a comment below. There’s always a way jacks and jills; put those muscles to use and Be Great.
[2] Thebiomechanicsmethod.Com/2016/10/28/Functional-anatomy-of-the-calf-muscles/