Waist Training: Does It Really Work?

Waist trainer


Dependent on your mindset fat loss can feel like it ranges on a scale from difficult, yet manageable to damn near impossible. These variances in perception lead to many reaching for a “quick-fix” - the easy way out. The problem is there’s no easy way out, there’s just delaying the inevitable. Waist trainer reliance delays the inevitable, here’s why.


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The Effectiveness Of Waist Trainers

What Is A Waist Trainer

A waist trainer is one of those corset-like wraps you’ve probably seen floating around social media, promoted by your go-to influencer. The idea of waist training is to reshape your torso into that old school coke bottle-like configuration.

The wrap is designed to instantly diminish your waist, while helping permanently create this hourglass shape over time if you wear it as instructed, diet, and exercise.

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Waist Trainer Benefits


Here are the most commonly stated benefits of waist training. They’re not all completely bogus, but they are extremely misleading. Details to come.

  1. Instantly and one day permanently creates slims your waist

  2. Promotes fat loss

  3. Suppresses appetite

  4. Improves posture

  5. Reduces water weight

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Do Waist Trainers Work

Full transparency.. Waist trainers are ineffective in each of these arenas, but can assist in another:

First: it isn’t possible to rearrange bone structure to create an appearance, minus a surgical procedure. This is one of the dangers of waist training. So a waist trainer can provide girdle-like qualities, yet once removed you’re back to square one. 

Second: fat loss occurs from you expending more calories than consumed. That means to create a calorie deficit.

A waist trainer doesn’t increase the amount of calories burned, it doesn’t conclusively lower the amount of calories consumed either, therefore no aid is supplied here.

Third: it’s notable that while wearing a trainer you shall crave less food, from the sheer compression. This pressure on your organs will make stuffing your face a smidgen less appealing. However once the wrap is abstracted your appetite will have no quarrels with making up for lost time. So you’ll end up in the same boat if your will power isn’t the strongest.

Fourth: promotions of improved posture are misleading. A waist trainer will help you feel what your posture should be, and can help limit core fatigue throughout a day.. Still this isn’t a free lunch.

You’ll pay in core muscle deterioration. Use it or lose it. If you give your core a break it’ll only weaken and improving posture minus your corset becomes a greater task. Then there’s the almighty lumbar woes that are sure to come.

Fifth: still I have a bright spot for you. A waist trainer can provide a way to lose subcutaneous water weight

The only problem here is unless your sodium/potassium ratio becomes efficient and hydration consistent that subcutaneous water will just return over and over.

NOTE: After child birth many believe waist training could help with diastasis recti 9abdominal separation), but it’s recommended against [6].

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Dangers Of Waist Training

I won’t say you should stay indoors after the street lights come on because of waist training, but I could see them using the new age corsets as a Black Mirror theme.

When waist training comes up in conversation it’s usually “does waist training flatten your stomach?” but it should be “are waist trainers bad?”.

If you’re asking if they work I assume you mean for fat loss and thinning of the waist, to that I say no.

If you ask if they’re bad I’ll tell you it depends on your frequency of use, but they do have harmful capabilities.

  • Potential for internal damage: compaction of organs can impact their functionality and over time you may incur permanent damage.

  • Restricted blood flow: blood circulation restriction is another additive to less than optimal organ function and even the distribution of nutrients. This’ll downgrade your quality of life and not to mention, stunt your ability to perform in the gym.

  • Difficulty breathing: waist trainers can reduce your lung capacity 30-60% and shrinks the amount of oxygen you inhale and exhale per minute [5].

  • Trouble with digestion: while waist training your appetite is suppressed, at a cost. Stomach compression will make regular digestion quite the task.

  • Nerve damage: I assume you’d rather avoid meralgia paresthetica.. Training the waist can lead to this numb - tingling sensation that can conclude with damaged nerves.

Note: don’t wear a trainer when working out, especially if you’re unseasoned. A restriction of blood flow and heightened difficulty taking oxygen in breeds lightheadedness, vomiting, blackouts, and you could ultimately pass out. Don’t bring that degree of asphyxiation upon yourself.

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How To Lose Fat 

So what now? How do you tighten your waist if an anti-oxygen wrap isn’t the answer?

You allllllready know. 🗣 good ol’ diet and exercise is the key. If you want to create a certain figure, maintain a healthy level of body fat and develop the necessary muscle groups to give off that shapely appearance. This oldie is still a goodie.

Here’s that phrase again: calorie deficit. Consume less calories than you burn and over time fat will be lost. To carve a specific shape within the realm of your genetics will take targeted resistance training. Don’t fall for the misconceptions that come with lifting weights.

Work the muscles you want emphasized more often, yet still work everything to obtain some sense of symmetry and to optimize the fat cutting capabilities that accompany resistance training.

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My Thoughts

I can rant for more time than I care to on misleading weight loss products. They influence folks to spend money and waste time on things that are doomed to fail, then folks end up in need of what they should’ve done from jump street. 

These companies hire already in shape or those surgically enhanced to promote to everyday people a souped up waist wrap that does nothing for calorie burning. Then they state “must diet and exercise for success” doesn’t that mean the diet and exercise is causing results?? 

Pardon me, but I’m no fan of misdirection, keep it real.

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So, It’s About That Time

Waist trainers look cool and the promise of hope can tempt some of the most knowledgeable, but don’t fall into the trap. Old school diet and exercise is still the way. A waist trainer is good for losing water weight, however the benefits stop right about there. Don’t seek the quick fix, make a true lasting change. Put those muscles to use, you’ll be proud you did and Be Great.


[1] Biancaneve.Com/Product/1727/Esbelt-waist-trainer-pink

[2] ucihealth.org/blog/2015/10/waist-training-long-term-harmful-effects

[4] Rc.Rcjournal.Com/Content/63/Suppl_10/3012838.Short 

[5] Americanboardcosmeticsurgery.Org/Popular-posts/4-reasons-throw-waist-trainer-trash/

[6] https://www.vividwomenshealth.com/blog/diastasis-recti-101-understanding-abdominal-separation


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