Natural Ways To Increase Growth Hormone

From tantrum throwing toddler, to rangely hormonal teenager, to hormonally deficient adult - human growth hormone has a say every step of the way. Naturally produced and at times supplementally introduced, its functionality and potential benefits leave many wondering how to get more. Whether you lift for vanity or health, even a slight understanding of this anabolic hormone will assist your endeavors.


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Natural Ways To Increase Growth Hormone


What Is Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone (HGH) AKA growth hormone (GH) AKA somatotropin, not to be confused with somatropin - the synthetic growth hormone injection. GH has quite a promising or intense ring to it. Feels like something Batman would rail against in his quest to rid Gotham City of its everlasting crime wave.

Growth hormone is simply a peptide hormone spat out by the pituitary gland and regulated mainly by growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin, which quells growth hormone secretion [7].

A peptide is a chain of 2 or more amino acids. Of the same construct, but not quite a protein due to the insufficient number of amino acids. Somatotropin is an anabolic peptide on its own, yet leads to the production of the also anabolic insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1 AKA somatomedin).

I know, I know there are a growing number of similar terms here, but bear with me. Keep in mind human growth hormone, growth hormone, and somatotropin are interchangeable words for the same thing.

Note: IGF-1 is a hormone similar to insulin in structure, but is a protein released by the liver.

The reliance on human growth hormone peaks during adolescence, IE puberty, but its functionality carries impact into adulthood. 

Helps with recovery, injury rehab, and cell repair, so its dissipation reads problematic for an aging organism as one’s self. Father time slows you down as he picks up steam.

Not only does somatotropin production help maintain physical condition and boost performance, its relevance is so that a deficient child would need to supplement just to develop in the typical fashion of most kids.

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Importance Of Growth Hormone For Building Muscle

Maximizing growth hormone production isn’t a number one priority, but it does assist your hypertrophic aims.

However if you’re deficient with human growth hormone output fixing the issue should be high on your priority list.

After about 30 laps around the sun testosterone delivery begins to dip, especially for us gents, and we hit a period known as somatopause where somatotropin AKA growth hormone takes an un-ceremonial dive, as well.

Human growth hormone increases lean body mass, which is how much of your weight isn’t adipose tissue, and it reduces fat mass even in the absence of resistance training.

There’s a reason some athletes try to maneuver the legalities of injecting growth hormone.

So if you’re growth hormone deficient, maintaining lean body mass is more difficult, your metabolism will slow, and accumulation of body fat becomes a heap more likely when in a calorie surplus.

Human growth hormone stimulates muscle protein synthesis, but also helps build and fortify your connective tissue. It’s a good practice to take account and find natural ways to boost HGH production, especially as your birthdays mount, yet there’s no need to build your world around this peptide hormone. 

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Growth Hormone Supplementation

Some fail to produce enough growth hormone and in turn compensate with supplementation. Some supplement growth hormone to gain an athletic edge on the competition. Some supplement with growth hormone to maximize their potential for muscle growth. Some supplement with growth hormone to limit age-related degradation. Some supplement with growth hormone to expedite injury recovery.

Regardless of your aim, human growth hormone supplementation is done via injection, for tablet or capsule-based administration cuts out the intended effect during digestion.

If you happen to use human growth hormone and it’s pill-based.. you’ve been duped.

Studies on supplementary growth hormone’s effectiveness in those with naturally desirable production are scarce, so its ergogenic impact is rather anecdotal. 

In one instance a group of California researchers conducted a study on mostly men and a few women about growth hormone‘s effect and after 20 days of supplementation the user group gained 4.6 pounds of lean body mass [6]. Lean body mass also includes added water weight, but still a vast jump in just under three weeks. Though this increase occurred there were no performance-based improvements to match the newly added muscle.

To that point, since growth hormone isn’t a miracle alone it’s often stacked with anabolic steroids.

A great deal of athletic houses ban human growth hormone supplementation, but it’s other than easy to keep it out of a particular sport because of its short shelf life. 

After about 24 hours your system clears most indicators of growth hormone use, so it wouldn’t be hard to beat a test [2].

Outside of competition there’s a strong medical need and use for growth hormone supplementation and that pertains to cases of:

  • Growth hormone deficiency

  • Renal failure leading to insufficient growth

  • Turner syndrome

  • Pradee-Willi syndrome

  • Kids with inadequate growth past 2 years of age

In these examples a physician obtains clearance and administers the drug version of somatotropin to fuel needed growth [3].

Note: although this doesn’t deter too many, it’s illegal to possess or sell HGH without going through the appropriate licensed channels in the United States [2].

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Human Growth Hormone Side Effects

Let’s say you want to get wide as a doorway and you feel like you need to supplement because going the natural route takes too long for your liking. In doing so you may see the list of growth hormone possibilities and believe the more the merrier.

In the title is “growth hormone” how could more not be better?

Well it’s not.

We all differ, we all secrete various amounts of growth hormone naturally and those that use HGH tolerate various amounts variably.

Excessive human growth hormone or long-term use can lead to a condition known as acromegaly. This condition occurs when surplus growth hormone secretion leads to inordinate growth of the hands, feet, and face.

Acromegaly may take a while to be diagnosed, but the issue leads to muscle weakness, type 2 diabetes, and even cardiomyopathy. 

So be careful with uncontained growth hormone supplementation. It ultimately creates insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, peripheral edema, and arthralgias [2]. Plus the unfun side effect possibility of gynecomastia AKA man boobs.

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How To Increase Growth Hormone Naturally 

If you’re like me you’re not only concerned with progress and optimizing your physical fitness, but you also have an eye on long-term health. If that is so you’re likely averse to supplementing human growth hormone without a doctor's note. That’s fine, there are less risky routes. You can naturally optimize your body’s ability to produce growth hormone.

  • Intermittent fasting. Growth hormone secretion is inhibited in a fed state.. fasting has an opposite effect.

  • Lift weights. How vast the effect is, is determined by your fitness level, intensity of exercise, training session length, body composition, and even body temperature, but lifting promotes growth hormone release. 

Note: obese individuals require higher intensity for a similar growth hormone release from exercise because heightened body fat blunts secretion to a degree. High intensity could be interval cardio or heavy lifts in the strength-hypertrophy range.

  • Manage your body fat. Again, obesity slows somatotropin production and reduces its half-life. Anorexia boosts somatotropin production, but leads to growth hormone resistance. Healthy body fat levels lead to optimal somatotropin activity [2].

  • Fun in the sun. 15 minutes a day of sunlight is enough to soak up some hormonally beneficial vitamin D. The more skin you expose the better. If you can’t get enough sunlight on a regular basis supplement with vitamin D or up your milk intake to assist with testosterone and growth hormone output. 

  • Clock your sleep hours. 7-9 hours is the goal. During sleep your growth hormone production reaches its peak. Master your circadian rhythm and recover from workouts better with good sleep hygiene

  • Watch your bedtime meal. If you eat before bed choose a high protein snack with little to no carbs. A carb-laden meal temporarily inhibits growth hormone production and you can get a strong growth hormone boost with the combination of your nightly fast, high protein, and sleep.

  • Manage stress. One of the most catabolic states is that of chronic stress. It’ll put a lid on testosterone levels, as well as human growth hormone. Learn effective ways to combat stress.

  • Limit high glycemic foods. Carbs aren’t evil, they have vast benefits like promoting the weight training energy system glycolysis, making your muscles fuller by filling glycogen stores, and being able to be manipulated for the sake of boosting energy for muscle growth and promoting fat loss through carb cycling. Still you’ll boost more growth hormone if you spend less time causing the insulin release that accompanies carb consumption. 

  • Foods. Raspberries, salmon, beef, coconut oil, pineapples, nuts, whole eggs, and raw chocolate.

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My Thoughts

You want to keep your growth hormone production up as you age, so these natural tips are something to hold on to throughout the years.

Regardless don’t leave out the fact that enhancing your somatotropin production isn’t the most important factor for building muscle and losing body fat. Some tactics, IE fasting, may increase production, but does come with other costs like potential muscle atrophy and slowed building of new muscle tissue.

The methods to build muscle still remain. You won’t naturally or unnaturally raise growth hormone production and expect to become the next Arnold. You still have to progressively overload, eat, and recover to grow long-term.

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So, It’s About That Time

There it is. Now you know what the h-e-double hockey sticks growth hormone is and the effects of supplementation. HGH isn’t the end all be all, but it’s notable. Try extending yourself to natural sources rather than supplementation unless it’s doctor’s orders. Your future self will thank you for protecting his or her health. Be smart and be relentless in your approach as you put those muscles to use. Be Great.










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